Kansas City

Jim Jackson's Kansas City Blues was a huge hit in 1927, and became a favorite of Will Shade, who recorded it nearly every opportunity he had -- starting with the Memphis Jug Band the same year, with the South Memphis Jug Band in 1954, on field recordings in 1961 and 1962, and for this local television special in 1958. His partner for the television special was Charlie Burse, who joined the Memphis Jug Band in 1928 and remained a frequent collaborator for the rest of the two musicians' lives. Shade was 60 in this clip and Burse was 57.


Will Shade a.k.a. "Son Brimmer," trash can bass; Charlie Burse a.k.a. "Laughing Charlie," resonator tenor guitar



Giued Lutge, oil can bass; Arlo Leach, resonator tenor guitar