I'm not actively seeking students, but I love to teach, so contact me if any of these topics interest you.

Acoustic Guitar
- Open chords, bar chords and extended chords
- Rhythm, strumming patterns and fingerpicking
- Melodies and solos with open scales and movable shapes
- Folk and rock genres

Jug Band Instruments
- Kazoo, jug, washboard and washtub bass
- Singing, harmonizing and writing lyrics
- Building arrangements
- Music history

Music Theory
- Scales and key signatures
- Chord construction
- Melody and harmony
- Rhythm

National Jug Band Jubilee
- Led the all-ages jug band workshop from 2009-2022
- Helped organize the post-festival jam

Artichoke Community Music
- Currently teaching Jug Band Ensemble class a few times a year
- Class performs at Thursday Night Coffeehouse at the end of each session

Old Town School of Folk Music
- Taught adult group classes from 2003-2009
- Guitar I-IV
- Fingerboard Theory
- Harry Smith Ensemble
- Jug Band Ensemble and Jug Band Instruments
- Various workshops and jams