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CD, August 2020
Golden Harvest
I used the COVID-19 shutdown to record my first solo album since getting into jug band music. These 14 songs are lovingly recreated from the original 1920s-30s arrangements. $10
Samples: Feed Your Friend With a Long Handled Spoon, It Won't Act Right
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CD, June 2016
The Old Folks Started It
The How Long Jug Band's third album includes several jug band standards and a few lesser-known songs, as well as a "Weird Al" Yankovic song from 1984. $10
Samples: Beedle Um Bum, Field Mouse Stomp
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CD, January 2014
Skoodle Um Skoo
The How Long Jug Band's second album features a new lineup and some jazzier songs, but plenty of traditional jug band blues as well. $10
Samples: Giving It Away, Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby

CD, January 2012
How Long Jug Band
My main project since moving to Portland has been infusing authentic jug band blues with a modern energy. This quartet shares the singing duties, while I play guitar, mandolin, kazoo and jug. $10
Samples: That
Hand You Tried To Deal To Me, Louisville

CD, December 2007
Hare of the Jug
Spanning two years and over 20 musicians, this album captures the spirit of The Hump Night Thumpers, the jug band class I started at the Old Town School of Folk Music. The album includes 11 rollicking pre-war blues songs, plus one by a favorite from my high school years, Mojo Nixon. $10
Samples: What's
the Matter with the Thing, Little
Green Slippers
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CD, June 2000
Music of My Ancestors
A year before O Brother, Where Art Thou brought old-time music to the masses, I stumbled across the Anthology of American Folk Music and entered a time warp. If you're ready for a little history and a lot of fooling around, this one's for you. Includes the "Buckingham Fountain" remake and one other bonus track. $12
Samples: Old Black
Dog, Buckingham
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CD, January 2005
I started out playing electric rock music before veering off into folk and roots music almost exclusively. I did take one brief detour back to record some of my favorite original rock songs with a highly amplified band, and this is the result. $10
Samples: Yesterday's
Sunshine, Rolywholyover
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CD, June 2000
Show Biz
After years of demos and EPs, this was my first full-length CD. It includes straightforward solo tracks that sound like my live shows at the time, and a few band arrangements that sound like what I was really aiming for. This is a remastered version of the original 1998 release. $12
Samples: Poor as
Poi, Wilson-esque
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EP, November 1998
Anti-Gravity Girl
While most of my recordings are self-produced, this EP came from an offer to help test a new recording studio. The songs are typical of what I was performing at the time, but the arrangements get a big boost from a professional engineer and backing band. $5
Sample: Anti-Gravity
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CD, April 1999
A Day at Honey Creek
I've always played a few songs with childlike elements, and I took that to its logical extreme with this album, a collection of original songs for children (or, at least, about children). This collaboration with Anna Belyaev was one of my biggest sellers, and got me into the lucrative elementary school circuit! $12
Samples: H.D. in
Chicago, Spring Prairie
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CD, October 2001
Holiday Mornings
Anna and I followed up A Day at Honey Creek with a collection of original holiday songs. Holiday Mornings comes on a trio of 3" CDs, for use as three individual stocking stuffers or one great gift. We wrote these songs for a wider age range than our first release and explored a much wider range of genres as well. $15
Samples: Too
Many Lights, Los
Reyes Magos
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Early stuff

EP, January 1997
I put my computer skills to use here to create one of the first enhanced CDs by an independent artist. Before multimedia moved from CDs to the web, this dual-mode disc wowed people with its interactive press kit, photos and videos. $5
Sample: Cherry
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EP, August 1995
This breezy first release includes friends on acoustic bass and hand percussion. All I can say now is that my performing and recording skills have come a long way since then! $1
Sample: Flying
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Book, June 1998
Selected Lyrics
This 60-page booklet of my early lyrics is perfect-bound and contains nine delightful illustrations by Brandy Agerbeck. $5
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T-shirt, September 1999
Rocket-Fueled Folk
This shirt recalls the "rocket-fueled folk" tagline I used for years, plus a shout out to my old Planet Arlo website design. Purple only, 100% cotton, in large and X-large. $15
T-shirt, January 1998
Toad on the Road
One of the sillier songs in my solo repertoire is "Toad on the Road," celebrated here along with three of his friends. White with full color print, 100% cotton, in large, X-large, and youth sizes. $15